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November 2023—The final Parking Management Study was presented to the Committee of the Whole on October 24, 2023. The Committee of the Whole directed the study to be brought forward to Council. On October 31, 2023, Council authorized staff to implement the Parking Management Study's initiatives that staff deemed feasible and that align with City plans. Read the full report and Parking Management Plan.
The Parking Management Study outlines recommended parking management strategies for our community with a focus on short-term (0-5 years) and long-term (+10 years) planning horizons. The parking issues and mitigation strategies presented were developed based on data collection in the Downtown and the Tranquille Business Corridor, technical analysis, best practices in the industry, and feedback from the first round of engagement hosted in Spring 2021. The engagement summary for Phase 2 is available online.
Background—Understanding the existing state of parking in the City and establishing what constitutes a parking issue/problem are vital components to realizing Kamloops' transportation vision. The City of Kamloops is seeking public input to better understand parking-related questions and concerns and inform a Parking Management Study (previously referred to as the Parking Management Plan) that will address the on and off-street parking challenges in the Downtown and the Tranquille Business Corridor. Bunt & Associates Engineering Ltd., together with Allnorth, was retained to collect quality data in the three study areas and develop a comprehensive and effective Parking Management Study. Due to COVID-19, the study area of the TCC was suspended and will be considered for evaluation once activities at this facility and at TRU return to normal and allow for accurate data collection.
Information collected through recent City studies such as the Downtown Transportation Choices Strategy, Transportation Master Plan, and Downtown Plan are being used to form the initial baseline for this plan.
The Plan will address parking-related questions/concerns of stakeholders and the public while proactively connecting the full cost of parking with environmental impacts, including strategies to support growth and development that are sensitive to the social well-being and long-term vision of the City.
The City and the consulting team will be engaging with stakeholders and the public throughout the project to ensure the plan fully responds to and represents the vision and voice of our community.
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