Heritage House Multi-Use Parking Area Design Study (Supplemental 24.8)
Heritage House parking lot is an under-utilized asset within the City’s event hosting capacity. By redesigning this area to create a flexible, multi-purpose space with capability to add additional power and water hookups for vendors, this parking lot will benefit all park users and event organizers. Future park maintenance costs will be reduced and mature trees will be better protected as vendors can be located on pavement rather than sensitive greenspace within the Park. This aligns with the Parks Master Plan to become more flexible with parks event space and to reduce the single-use parking footprint within Riverside Park. This business case is asking for $50,000 in 2024 to conduct a review of the area to determine and develop a project proposal that would come back to Council for consideration.
COST: $50,000 in 2024
This proposal would be funded through the Gaming Reserve.