
Community + Council Conversation Event Format

29 August 2023

City Council will host six neighbourhood events throughout the city (see map below) and one virtual event. Events will be held once per month (excluding December) starting in October 2023 followed by a virtual opportunity.

Each event will begin with a presentation on Council's strategic plan, outlining how Council has organized and prioritized their areas of focus. Attendees will then have an opportunity to share their neighbourhood concerns and potential solutions with Council at discussion tables themed around these areas of focus.

At each table--Safety and Security, Governance and Service Excellence, Livability and Sustainability, Economic Health--residents will be asked to provide input on:

  • What's working well?
  • Where can we do better?
  • What should we advocate for?

Following the discussions, table hosts will report back to the room on the key themes they heard in each area and attendees will have the opportunity to provide additional feedback.

Council recognizes that different neighbourhoods have different concerns and encourages residents to attend the event closest to their neighbourhood to discuss common issues and solutions with their neighbours.Residents will have an opportunity to:

  • share their interests and concerns with Council
  • participate in whatever manner feels most comfortable
  • hear others' input and feedback
  • participate in respectful dialogue free from intimidation

To provide all residents with an opportunity to connect with Council, residents are discouraged from bringing their same concern to multiple events.

Input and feedback received from each event will be compiled and presented back to the Governance and Service Excellence Select Committee and posted to this Let's Talk page.