
Update for March 20

20 March 2024

Grading work on the new multi-use pathway (south side of Tranquille Road) continues. Crews will also be starting curb and gutter prep work on Tranquille Road, north of Aviation Way. Work also continues in the new Fulton Field Park.

Motorists are advised that on Friday, March 22, crews will be pulverizing (rotomilling) the road surface on Tranquille Road between Aviation Way and the SPCA. Traffic on Tranquille Road through the work zone will be single lane alternating, with traffic control signage and personnel in place. Traffic will be restored to one lane, each direction at night.

As of Friday, March 22, the Tranquille Gateway construction zone from Crestline Street to north of Aviation Way will once again be 30 km/hr, effective 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Motorists are asked to obey all traffic control devices and personnel.

Completion of the Tranquille Gateway Improvements project is anticipated to be May 2024.