
Project update for March 21

21 March 2023

Blasting operations are planned to begin Friday, March 24, 2023, with test blasting, followed by scheduled blasting for approximately three weeks. Crews will undertake the work with the utmost regard for public safety and the protection of private property. Blast vibrations will be controlled and seismically monitored.

Guards will be posted around the blasting area, between adjacent residences and on all trails and roads with access to the site. Blasts will be signaled by sounding an airhorn 12 times, 2 minutes prior to each blast. One long sounding of the air horn will signal that the blast is all clear. Residents may safely stay in their homes during the blasts.

Although the vibrations generated by blasting will be kept well below the cosmetic threshold level for damage to occur to homes and structures, minor blasting and construction vibration may still be felt in nearby homes. Therefore, we recommend that valuable or irreplaceable items be secured or removed from shelves or walls to protect them from damage during the construction period. Thank you for your patience.