
Update for October 23

23 October 2023

The City of Kamloops is advising residents and businesses that there will be a planned water main shutdown as part of the Copperhead Extension Project.

Impacted properties will be without water during the time required to complete the work. During the water main shutdown, there will be minimum or no water pressure and therefore, it is important to minimize water usage during this period.

The water shutdown will be the evening of Thursday, October 26, 2023.

• Estimated time of turn-off: 10:00 pm

• Estimated time of turn-on: 4:00 am*

*Please note that the water shut off may extend beyond 4:00 am depending on the work required to complete the tie-in.

Please keep enough water on hand, as water service interruption may be longer than noted. After water service is restored, the water supply may be discoloured due to disturbed deposits in pipes; however, it is not harmful as the water has been disinfected. In addition, air may be present in piping; therefore, it is advisable to run cold water through the faucet for several minutes to eliminate both the air and discoloured water problems.

TIP: Fill containers with water in advance of the shutdown. This water can then be used to flush your toilets.

Our apologies for this inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation in this matter.