
Update for November 6

6 November 2024

Weather permitting, paving is scheduled on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8 near Fountain Tire and up to the 6th Avenue intersection. This section of road will remain closed for approximately 36 hours for paving efforts.

A detailed schedule is listed below:

  1. The first stage of paving will begin on Thursday, November 7 at 7:00 am.
  2. The eastern entrance to Lansdowne Village and Fountain Tire will be closed starting on November 7 at noon.
  3. Vehicles including delivery trucks will need to use the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Avenue entrances to access Lansdowne Village. Access to Fountain Tire will need to move through the Lansdowne Village.
  4. At 7:00 am on November 8, the second stage of paving will commence. Line painting will commence in the early afternoon and will complete around 8:00 pm on November 8.
  5. Lansdowne Street and the intersection at 6th Avenue and all entrances to Lansdowne Village will be fully open on Saturday, November 9.
  6. The Lansdowne Transit Exchange is scheduled to re-open in its original location on Saturday, November 9.

All construction activity is weather dependent. Please expect some traffic delays and obey all traffic control personnel and signage as you move through the corridor.