The City of Kamloops has contracted Extreme Excavating Ltd. to install a trunk sewer main along Lansdowne Street from 1st Avenue to 7th Avenue. The purpose of the critical infrastructure project is for the Lansdowne portion of the trunk main to service a broader area.

The project will include phased closures along Lansdowne Street from April 28 to November 2024 as crews move eastward throughout the project. Phase one will begin in late April with impacts to Lansdowne Street from 1st Avenue to 2nd Avenue, as well as Seymour Street.

PHASE ONE DETOUR (Lansdowne St from 1st Ave to 2nd Ave)

The phase one detour will begin on April 28 at the west end of Lansdowne Street in Riverside Park with expected completion at the end of June 2024.


Traffic Impacts - Phase one detour (Lansdowne St from 1st Ave to 2nd Ave)

From April to June, Lansdowne Street will be closed from 1st Avenue to 2nd Avenue. A portion of Lorne Street from Uji Way to Lansdowne Street in the area of the CP Rail Bridge will also be closed.

To accommodate motorists and improve traffic flow during the closure, Seymour Street from Victoria Street West to 2nd Avenue will

become two-way. 1st Avenue will remain open to local traffic only between Victoria Street and Seymour Street. Note: Only left turns off Victoria Street onto 1st Avenue will be permitted; only right turns off Seymour onto 1st Avenue are permitted.

Pedestrian Impacts - Phase one detour (Lansdowne St from 1st Ave to 2nd Ave)

Pedestrians will have access through the work zone, but may be limited to one side of the street only.

Business Impacts - Phase one detour (Lansdowne St from 1st Ave to 2nd Ave)

Businesses along Lansdowne Street will remain open throughout the construction period.

City Hall Access

Parking Impacts - Phase one detour (Lansdowne St from 1st Ave to 2nd Ave)

Parking along the north side of Seymour Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue will not be permitted.

Transit Impacts - Phase one detour (Lansdowne St from 1st Ave to 2nd Ave)

During the phase one detour, transit routes 1, 2, and 3 departing from the Lansdowne Exchange will be detouring on outbound trips between 4th Avenue and Victoria Street West. The Lansdowne at 2nd Avenue stop will be closed during this detour. All other outbound bus stops on Lansdowne Street will remain open for transit access.

Transit stops along Seymour Street will not be affected.

For updated route information, visit


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