
Project update for September 19

19 September 2024

We understand some residents in the area of the Sifton Lane Sewer Main Upgrades and the Highway 5A Multi-Use Pathway do not feel they were properly informed of this project. We regret that more detailed information was not provided to our residents prior to the start of construction. We also acknowledge that the Notice to Residents that was provided at the start of construction lacked adequate detail, specifically about the multi-use pathway. We are reviewing our internal processes and have already identified potential opportunities to provide more information earlier in a project.

The Highway 5A Multi-Use Pathway is a critical active transportation link that connects the Aberdeen neighborhood to downtown Kamloops. This connection was identified as a priority through the engagement for the 2018 Transportation Master Plan. The MUP will facilitate seamless, efficient, and safe movement for cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

This pathway design follows an alignment and grade based on current design standards while balancing the existing topography and earthworks required to construct the path. Due to the limitations in topography, existing infrastructure, and design standards, this pathway design does not provide an opportunity for meaningful public input, however we do acknowledge that earlier communication about project details could have resulted in a mutual understanding and better relationship building with the community.

At this point of the project, any interruption in construction would result in significant budget and timeline implications, with the potential to impact the grant funding for the pathway. However, while construction continues, we want to provide residents with an opportunity to ask questions, voice their concerns, and learn more about how this connection aligns with the broader active transportation network.

As such, we invite residents to attend a site meeting on Friday, September 20, 2024, at 4:30 pm across from 2185 Sifton Lane (where the fire hydrant is).

Next week, staff will post questions and answers from the meeting on the Sifton Lane Sewer Main Upgrades & Hwy 5A Multi-Use Pathway project page at and distributed to project followers. Residents are encouraged to subscribe to receive updates by clicking on the +Follow button at the top of the project page. If you have further questions, they can be asked using the Q&A tool on the page or by calling Civic Operations at 250-828-3461.

Thank you for taking the time to reach out with your concerns. We appreciate the feedback and hope we can work toward a positive outcome.