Phase One: September 9–Winter 2024
The City of Kamloops has contracted Acres Enterprises Ltd. to install a sanitary main directing upper Aberdeen flows from Aberdeen Drive to Hugh Allan Drive parallel to Highway 5A.
As part of the City of Kamloops’ Active Transportation Program and partially funded by the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program, the project will also involve the construction of a multi-use path connection along Highway 5A.
We are advising residents of Laurier Drive and Sifton Lane that phase one of this work is scheduled to begin on Monday, September 9, 2024, with completion anticipated for Winter 2025.
Phase two of the project will take place in 2025 and involve further sanitation main work, followed by road restoration. Impacts will occur along Aberdeen Drive and Highway 5A.
Traffic may be temporarily impacted within the construction zone. Please plan accordingly and expect delays.
Select properties’ landscaping and fencing within the construction zone will need to be removed and restored to property line along Laurier Road. Advance notice will be provided.
During the project, water service disruptions may occur. Impacted residents will receive advanced notification when any planned water shutoffs are scheduled.
On-street parking on the east side of Sifton Lane will be impacted during phase one of the project.
Walking trails within the construction zone may be temporarily inaccessible during both phases of construction. Please obey all signage when navigating the area.
During construction, dust control measures will be in place, as heavy vibratory equipment will be used. Pack up fragile items to protect them from damage due to vibration. Expect heavy truck traffic and noise disruptions from construction equipment.