Protective Services
Training Centre
(Supplemental 25.07)
Currently, Kamloops Fire Rescue must send staff out of town to complete specialized training, such as fire officer, hazmat, and certain live fire courses, because the City’s existing training centre does not have the necessary capabilities to qualify trainees with the mandatory BC Structure Firefighter Minimum Training Standards. Kamloops Fire Rescue proposes expanding the existing centre and enhancing its capabilities to provide training and cost-sharing avenues between Kamloops Fire Rescue, the Community Services Division, and the RCMP. The expansion would include props, a shooting range, classroom expansion, a gymnasium, a scenario warehouse, and supporting infrastructure. The enhanced centre could save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually that are traditionally spent sending firefighters, police officers, and Community Services Officers away for training.
COST: $3,295,000 from 2025–2027 with operational savings of close to $200,000 annually beginning in 2028.
This proposal would be funded in part through the Gaming Reserve and the Equipment Fund. There would be no impact on taxation in 2025.