Kamloops Fire Rescue Medical Response Unit (Supplemental 24.1)
In addition to the primary function of fire protection, and rescue, Kamloops Fire Rescue (KFR) provides ancillary support to BC Emergency Health Services for emergency medical responses in its service area. KFR has seen a dramatic increase in medical calls for service over the past few years, now accounting for over 60% of all call volume received. KFR is recommending the addition of a Medical Response Unit consisting of an SUV staffed with two medical responders. It will free up the frontline engine and four crew members that would currently respond to these events; allowing them to focus on fire protection, training, and other core services.
COST: $1,079,000 in 2024 with annual ongoing costs dependent on wage increases
This proposal would be funded through $126,000 from the working capital reserve and $953,000 from taxation and would increase current 2024 taxation projections by 0.71%. This is an increase of $17.70 on an average home.