
Heat Response Preparation

14 July 2022

July 7, 2022: The City of Kamloops is preparing to initiate a heat response plan that will ensure residents are educated on the dangers of the summer heat while also seeking volunteers to support the activation of cooling centres.

In January 2022, the BC Health Effects of Anomalous Temperatures Coordinating Committee (BC HEAT Committee) was established to support planning and response efforts related to the public health impacts of significant heat events in British Columbia. This committee’s overarching objective is to ensure public health coordination around extreme hot weather. The coordination and identification of priorities evolved into the creation and implementation of a two-tier heat alert and response system for the province. The two tiers are Heat Warning and Extreme Heat Emergency.

Emergency Management BC, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and BC Public Health will lead the BC heat alert response system coordination efforts. The City will share the BC heat alert response system messaging when the activation criteria are met, provide indoor and outdoor cooling and heat relief spaces, and encourage neighbour health checks to support community resiliency. Read more....