2019 Supplemental Items Summary - Draft

<p>Below is a summary of all of the 2019 Supplementals. To review the detailed business case for each item, click on the link under each item. There are general proposed funding source(s) listed (taxation, reserve, and other) and as Council reviews the supplemental items over the next two months they will also be discussing the proposed funding strategy prior to any approvals. </p><p>We invite you to comment on these supplemental items. Please scroll to the bottom of this forum to do so.</p><p><strong>Supplemental Item #1: Additional Building Official III Full-time Equivalent (FTE)</strong></p><p><strong>Proposed Budget: $107,000 ($102,000 ongoing and $5,000 one-time)</strong><br><strong>Proposed Funding Source:</strong> Taxation, Reserve<br><strong>Project Overview: </strong>Request is for an FTE to support the building inspection services provided by the City. Building growth in the city is increasing the workload, and a number of major projects and succession planning have led to the need for an additional FTE.<br><a href="https://letstalk.kamloops.ca/5872/documents/13616">Link to Business Case, Buildling Inspector FTE</a><br><br></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Supplemental Item #2: Remove Tournament Capital Ranch (TCR) Derelict Buildings</strong></p><p><strong>Proposed Budget: 2019 - $535,000, plus a one-time cost of $250,000 in 2020, over two years</strong><br><strong>Proposed Funding Source:</strong> Other<br><strong>Project Overview: </strong>There are seven buildings on the old Rayleigh Correctional Centre property that were used by Corrections staff. These buildings pose a fire risk, are structurally unsound, and are a safety hazard to the public and City staff. The plan includes building a new Parks outbuilding, secured storage on the TCR site.<br><a href="https://letstalk.kamloops.ca/5872/documents/13621">Link to Business Case, Buildling Inspector FTE</a></p><p><br></p>
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