
City of Kamloops Seeks Input for Final Phase of the Transportation Master Plan

17 September 2018

Release date:
May 16, 2018

Kamloops, BC – The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is an update to the Travelsmart Plan (1999), which provides a long-term guide for planning, designing, developing, and maintaining transportation facilities and infrastructure in Kamloops. The TMP addresses the fact that over the next two decades, Kamloops’ population is expected to grow an average of 1.6% per year—from a population of 90,280 today to 120,000 by 2039. The TMP also acknowledges that the City has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting transportation-related sustainability targets.

Early phases of the TMP included engagement with Kamloops residents, key community stakeholders, City staff, and City Council. Following the technical and community feedback, a draft TMP was created to lead the final discussions preparing for the plan’s approval. The most current version of the draft TMP is available on the City’s website at

The TMP is in the fourth and final phase, and public input will ensure the final TMP is fully supported by community members. City staff were recently available at the Kamloops Farmers’ Market and Aberdeen Mall to answer residents’ questions and present the TMP’s visions, goals, and objectives related to moving goods and services, transit, cycling, walking, sustainable transportation, and integrated transportation system.

As the plan approaches the final weeks for community input, the City is encouraging the public to participate in the online TMP survey, which asks thought provoking questions to gain final input to effectively plan for growth while shifting to more sustainable transportation in Kamloops over the next 20 years.