
City of Kamloops Seeks Community Ideas for Downtown Plan

17 September 2018

Release date:
May 7, 2018

The Downtown Plan is an update to City Centre Plan 2005. The updated plan will provide direction to guide planning and manage land use for the Downtown, Sagebrush, and West End neighbourhoods.

The Downtown Plan will offer detailed guidance on the location and types of housing, shops, offices, and other types of development and land uses envisioned for the area. The Plan will also provide direction on what parks; community facilities; plazas and public spaces; and the future road, transit, and active transportation networks within the plan area will look like.

The Downtown Plan review and update process involves three phases. The plan is currently in Phase 2, and the City is seeking the public’s input on the key issues, opportunities, and priorities for the plan area. City staff have planned engagement events and activities to get your feedback.

Share your vision and big ideas and chat with City staff at upcoming Downtown Plan Launch Week events:

Saturday, May 12 - Information Booth
When: 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Where: Kamloops Farmers’ Market, 200 block St. Paul Street

Wednesday, May 16 - Local Business Open House
Are you a local business owner? We want to hear from you!
When: 4:30-6:00 pm
Where: Sandman Centre, Valley First Lounge
RSVP to and plan to attend this event, which will feature opening remarks from the Mayor, a City staff presentation, interactive displays, feedback opportunities, live music, and light snacks and refreshments.

Thursday, May 17 - Community Open House
This event is for all community members. Share your ideas!
WHEN: 7:00-9:00 pm
WHERE: Sandman Centre, Valley First Lounge
RSVP to and plan to attend this event, which will feature opening remarks from the Deputy Mayor, a City staff presentation, interactive displays, feedback opportunities, live music, light snacks and refreshments.

Pop-up Downtown
We will come to you! City staff will be on the downtown streets during lunch hours in May looking for your feedback.

Can’t attend an event? Complete the Downtown Plan Community Survey at to share your feedback.

Email us at  to sign up for project updates, or to share your ideas.