
August 17, 2020: Kudos to the Streets Team

21 August 2020

"On August 4 I reported a large pothole in the middle of our busy intersection (on a transit route and soon-to-be school bus route). It was fixed on August 10. Fast service! I also appreciate the City's phone service for "Report an Issue." The phone number, 250-828-3461, is always answered. So nice to talk to a person right away, unlike so many service numbers for other organizations that have menus with push button numbers that lead to other menus and numbers to navigate before reaching a person, if ever. I recommend calling this number if you have problems in your neighbourhood, instead of writing letters to news editors. There is also an online reporting service on the City's website, if you prefer. This is our city, and we are as much a part of solving problems as are city employees. They can't be everywhere (and I, for one, don't want to pay extra taxes to hire someone to drive around looking for potholes and other problems). Give them a call for pleasant, helpful, efficient service."

- Trish, Resident