
City of Kamloops Seeks Input on North Shore Neighbourhood Plan Update

11 May 2020

July 9, 2020 - The City of Kamloops has begun the review and update of the 2008 North Shore Neighbourhood Plan. The updated plan will provide direction to guide planning and land use management for the areas identified in the North Shore Neighbourhood Plan area. Land use policies within the plan will focus on economic development, community well-being, transportation, infrastructure, urban design, and other topics as identified by the community.

The process will involve early and ongoing engagement throughout the project with the public, stakeholders, and Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc.

“The update of the North Shore Neighbourhood Plan is an opportunity to build on recent successes on the North Shore, while addressing residents’ concerns,” said the City’s Community Planning and Sustainability Manager Jason Locke.

“We’ve seen positive change with new development, new businesses, and now is the opportunity to build on that energy and continue to make the North Shore a great place to live, work, and play,” added Locke.

The planning and engagement process will extend into next year with plan adoption anticipated by the end of 2021.

“This builds upon the foundation of the 2008 plan and sets the stage to continue all the exceptional work being undertaken to realize the potential of the North Shore. We encourage the community to actively participate in this planning process and create a vibrant community,” explained North Shore Business Improvement Association Executive Director Jeremy Heighton.

Public launch events for the project will be held in September, with more details available in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, please complete the North Shore Community Survey to share your vision for the North Shore and tell us what key issues and opportunities the plan should address. The survey will be available until September 30.