
Draft North Shore Neighbourhood Plan Update

6 July 2022

July 6, 2022 - The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan project team presented the Draft North Shore Neighbourhood Plan to the Committee of the Whole (COTW) at the Tuesday, July 5 meeting. View the PowerPoint slide deck presentation to the COTW here.

The plan includes policies, ideas, and actions on how to achieve a collective vision of a community that is “inclusive, dynamic, and complete". The draft plan was prepared following an engagement process that started in mid-2020 and has involved the public, stakeholders, Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc, local youth, the North Shore Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group, City Council, and City staff.

The draft plan includes eight key sections.

  1. Vision and Introduction
  2. Existing Conditions
  3. Future Land Use
  4. Character Area Policies
  5. Topic Area Policies
    • Transportation and Mobility
    • Infrastructure and Environment
    • Housing
    • Parks and Public Places
    • Arts, Culture, and Heritage
    • Economic Development
    • Health and Safety
    • Food Security
  6. 10 Big Moves
  7. Implementation
  8. Development Permit Area Guidelines

The COTW presentation focused primarily on outlining the Big Moves required to action the plan. Feedback from the COTW will be incorporated into a revised draft that will be circulated to stakeholders for final feedback. Meanwhile, the draft plan is posted on the Let's Talk website for continued public comment to during this time.

The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group will review public and stakeholder feedback and confirm any last revisions where necessary before staff presents a final North Shore Neighbourhood Plan to Council for adoption in September.