
City Seeking Feedback on Draft North Shore Neighbourhood Plan

8 June 2022

June 8, 2022 - The City is inviting residents to provide feedback on the Draft North Shore Neighbourhood Plan. The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan review and update is nearing completion with work being undertaken in the project’s final phase and the plan’s adoption scheduled for fall of 2022.

The revised North Shore Neighbourhood Plan will be an update to the 2008 plan and will provide a framework to guide planning and land use management for the North Shore over a 20-year time frame.

Last year, the City engaged residents on the vision, strategic directions, and potential development concepts for the North Shore. Based on this feedback, the City has developed a draft plan that includes a vision and key principles, policies to guide land use planning, design guidelines to regulate the form and character of development, and a series of “big moves” as potential ideas to realize the plan’s vision.

To obtain feedback on the draft plan, the City is launching a survey and hosting two community engagement sessions–one virtual and one in-person session. The virtual session will feature a presentation by City staff and opportunities to provide feedback.

The in-person engagement session will be an open house format. All residents are welcome to drop in to browse interactive displays, provide feedback on the draft plan, and discuss the project with City staff and the project team. Residents will be encouraged to provide input on the plan’s contents, ideas, and action items, including whether the draft plan got it right and if there is anything missing.

Feedback from the survey and the community engagement sessions will be used to make revisions prior to presenting the final plan to Council for adoption later this year.

How to Get Involved

  • Virtual Community Engagement Session - Tuesday, June 21, 5:30–7:30 pm on Zoom. See the Key Dates section of this page for the Zoom link.
  • In-Person Community Engagement Session - Wednesday, June 22, 5:30–7:30 pm, MacArthur Island Sport and Event Centre, 1655 Island Parkway. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
  • Complete an online survey and enter to win a gift package sponsored by the North Shore Business Improvement Association. Survey available for input until June 30.
  • Email comments - review the draft plan online and email comments to