
City of Kamloops Seeks Feedback on Strategic Directions for the North Shore

30 April 2021

May 4, 2021 - To develop the draft North Shore Neighbourhood Plan, the City of Kamloops is seeking feedback on a draft vision and strategic directions for the North Shore.

Last fall, the City engaged the community on their vision and big ideas for the North Shore, and gathered feedback on issues and opportunities the updated North Shore Neighbourhood Plan should address. The City also hosted a design charrette and engaged stakeholders and the public on ideas and concepts for key sites around the North Shore Town Centre and Tranquille Market Corridor.

The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Directions document has been developed based on the community feedback received during those engagement activities. Feedback on the strategic directions will be used to help develop the draft North Shore Neighbourhood Plan.

“We’ve developed several strategic directions based on public feedback that are organized by topic areas and neighbourhood character areas,” said Jason Locke, the City’s Community Planning and Sustainability Manager. “The next steps are to get the public’s input on these directions, identify anything that might be missing, and develop the draft plan.”

The final North Shore Neighbourhood Plan is scheduled to be presented to Council for adoption later this year.

How to Get Engaged

  • Complete the Strategic Directions Survey - available for input until June 30
  • Register for a virtual engagement session that will feature an interactive presentation by City staff. These sessions will take place via Zoom on June 2 and June 9, 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm—choose the option that works best for you!