
2022 Year in Review

6 February 2023

In 2022, Kamloops Fire Rescue saw an increase in Kamloops residents’ awareness of the FireSmart program. In total, 96 detached homes, 6 apartment buildings, and 19 strata properties requested FireSmart assessments. In total, 784 private homes and the 6 apartment buildings were equipped with the FireSmart tools and their owners provided with education on how their properties could be improved and protected.

In 2023, we will be continuing to grow the program and continue to work with neighbourhood associations to present information seminars, beginning with high-risk neighbourhoods. Kamloops Fire Rescue will be available to conduct FireSmart assessments in 2023 as soon as the snow begins to melt.

The City of Kamloops and Kamloops Fire Rescue would like to thank all the residents and strata councils that requested assessments this past year. Every step taken towards “FireSmarting” our homes contributes to safer neighbourhoods for everyone.