Working collaboratively with the Ministry of Transportation and Transit, the City is expanding the westbound Highway 1 off-ramp at Pacific Way (Exit 367) by adding a second westbound left-turn lane.

Construction will be begin mid-March 2025, with expected completion by the end of June 2025.

Project Scope

The dual left turn project, located on Ministry Right-of-Way, will serve to increase intersection capacity and reduce safety risks by lessening traffic queue backup onto Highway 1.

This upgrade will involve:

  • stripping of overburden and removal of trees;
  • embankment construction to support the additional lane;
  • new asphalt paving, curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete island;
  • new streetlights and traffic signals;
  • relocation of existing catch basins; and
  • new signing and pavement markings.
Traffic Impacts

Traffic impacts are not yet finalized, but will be communicated to residents and commuters as soon as they are available.

Temporary closure of the off-ramp will be required at some point during the project.

There is expected to be a brief period of extended congestion/queueing while drivers adjust to the alternate routes; however, as motorists become more aware of the project, delays will be lessened.

To assist drivers in finding the most direct available route during construction, signage will be in place as a reminder of the closure and to provide wayfinding for visitors less familiar with potential alternate routes.

Financial Implications

This project is funded through long-term debt and Intersection Capacity budget. The use of the Intersection Capacity Funding monies will provide no impact to taxation-based funding.


In 2015, this project was identified as part of the traffic impact assessment study submitted for the relocation of the former Lake City Casino at 540 Victoria Street to the current location of Cascades Casino at 1555 Versatile Drive. A second left-turn lane on the westbound off-ramp was determined as a necessary improvement to accommodate traffic volumes in the horizon years.


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