Tranquille Road Sanitary Main and Road Enhancement Project | Phase 3 (Crestline Street to Southill Street)

Construction of the Tranquille Road Sanitary Main and Road Enhancement Project | Phase 3 (Crestline Street to Southill Street) is scheduled to commence in early summer 2025, with estimated completion in fall of 2026.

Funded through City capital budgets and grant funding, the proposed work will include a 1.5 m wide concrete sidewalk on the north side of Tranquille Road, two 3.7 m wide vehicle travel lanes with barrier curb and gutter, and a 3.0 m wide multi-use pathway on the south side. Grass swales will provide separation between the multi-use pathway, sidewalk, and the travel lanes.

The project also includes drainage catch basins, storm drainage infiltration access points, trees, bus pullouts, water system upgrades, lighting, and other related improvements. External utility relocations will be necessary and are currently being coordinated.

When the corridor re-opens with project completion, the speed limit from Crestline Street and Southill Street will change from 60 km/h to 50 km/h. The updated speed limit aligns better with the new road form and streetscape of Tranquille Road which will provide a more inviting environment for all road users while still accommodating daily vehicle volumes efficiently.

Tranquille Road is an integral east-west active transportation corridor identified in the City's Transportation Master Plan and this design will provide a safer setting for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles.

This project was identified as a result of work by the Tranquille Road Beautification-Enhancement and Gateway Task Force that was established by the Council of the day in 2014.

During construction Following construction
Property Impacts
  • The entire road right-of-way width will be required for the improvements. Existing boulevard parking will no longer be possible. Trees, fences, and other homeowner fixtures in the road right-of-way will need to be removed or relocated onto private property.
  • Additional road right-of-way will be required from several properties where the current right-of-way is narrower than usual. We will be contacting these property owners soon.
  • Driveways will need to be regraded and restored for a distance into your property to match the new multi-use pathway or sidewalk elevation. We will attempt to keep the grade change within reasonable limits; however, some driveways will increase in grade and may require retaining walls along the sides.
  • Driveway access width will be formalized and limited with curb letdowns.
  • Boulevard regrading may extend into private property where there is a substantial elevation difference between the new multi-use pathway or sidewalk.
  • Where retaining walls are required on City property, temporary access will be needed on your property to construct them.
  • Long-term maintenance of the works will be the responsibility of the City, including snow plowing of the pathway and sidewalk.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with your property line to help determine if you will be impacted by this work. Visit to learn more.


The main reason for the project is the major trunk sanitary main and sanitary services replacement, the final phase of a multi-year project to replace this critical and aging infrastructure.

Phase 1 work on the North Primary Lift Station to Crestline Street was completed in 2017, and Phase 2, which encompassed Southill Street to 12th Street, was completed in 2021. In addition to the sanitary main replacement, further upgrades along the corridor included pedestrian paths, landscaping, and intersection and boulevard improvements.

Information Session # 1 | January 24, 2025

Residents, City staff, and Councillors recently gathered at the Sports Centre Lounge to review preliminary project details and ask questions.

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