The City is informing the public about proposed changes to the transportation network and the addition of two future parks in the Valleyview/Orchards Walk/Dallas corridor. A portion of these changes will occur in conjunction with the proposed Pineridge development.

The City is processing Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment and rezoning applications to allow multi-unit residential development at the Pineridge Golf Course site.

Summary of Proposed Changes


  • An Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment application to change the land use designation of the Pineridge site at 4725 Trans-Canada Highway East from Future Development Area to Urban, and Parks and Open Space
  • Through an associated rezoning application*, approximately 450 residential units (apartment buildings to be sited away from Crawford Court) to be constructed by the developer


  • As part of the Pineridge development, relocation of the eastbound exit from the Trans-Canada Highway at Dallas Drive approximately 300 m to the west, to access the Pineridge site, Dallas, and Barnhartvale
  • In conjunction with the Pineridge development and future development applications:
    • a road network expansion connecting Dallas Drive to Valleyview Drive
    • a multi-use path for cyclists and pedestrians along the future Dallas-Valleyview Drive extension (this connection was identified in the City of Kamloops Transportation Master Plan)
    • rerouted transit service from the Trans-Canada Highway to along the future Dallas-Valleyview Drive extension
    • closure of Holman Road at the Trans-Canada Highway with new access to the Kamview Heights Mobile Home and RV Park via the future Dallas-Valleyview Drive extension; this will improve safety and reduce highway access wait times for residents in Kamview Heights


  • Two new parks to be accessed from Valleyview Drive (one on the Pineridge site and one at the east end of Orchards Walk) in conjunction with residential development
  • Dedication of the silt bluffs south of the Pineridge golf course site as public open space
Additional Background

The current proposal addresses previous feedback from City staff, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, as well as input from residents, received at community engagement sessions hosted by the applicant in August of 2020.


*Specifically, the zoning is proposed to change from FD (Future Development) to RM2 (Multi-Family 2 - Low Density), RM3 (Multi-Family 3 - Medium Density), RM4 (Multi-Family – Medium-High Density), and RM5 (Multi-Family 5 – High Density), P1 (Parks), and OS (Open Space).

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