
Staff Presenting Plan to Council for Adoption

24 June 2021

June 25, 2021 - On Tuesday, June 29, 2021, City staff will be presenting the Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) to Council for adoption.

This final step is based on the Committee of the Whole’s (COTW’s) direction. Following a presentation of the draft CCAP on April 20, 2021, the COTW provided feedback on the draft plan and directed staff to proceed with engagement before bringing the draft plan to Council for final review and adoption in June 2021.

Staff conducted a series of engagement activities on the draft CCAP in April–May 2021, as outlined in the Phase 4 Engagement Summary Report. The response to the draft plan was positive overall, with some suggested changes integrated into the final plan, as described in the Summary of Revisions document.

Residents are able to watch the presentation of the final CCAP to Council via Zoom on Tuesday, June 29, 2021. The Council meeting starts at 1:30PM.

Key documents:

The City would like to thank everyone who has taken time to learn more about the CCAP and share their feedback. This input ultimately shaped and strengthened the CCAP and reflects the many voices that were heard throughout multiple engagement phases.