The purpose of a building bylaw is to ensure the administration of required building codes and to regulate construction within a community. A building bylaw regulates and administers standards concerning the design, construction and/or occupancy of new buildings and structures, and alteration (including a change of use), demolition, and relocation of existing structures.

The Building Department is updating the City's building bylaw. A comprehensive review of the existing Building Bylaw No. 11-80, 2006, confirmed that it is out of date in context of the Building Act and is not structured to be responsive to changes to codes, standards, and the evolution of building materials and construction methods.

Building Bylaw 11-84, 2025, seeks to modernize and enhance construction protocols in alignment with provincial and municipal standards to support a safer, more sustainable, and resilient community, forming a robust foundation for ongoing improvements to construction processes in Kamloops.

Modernizing the building bylaw addresses various elements critical to Kamloops’ growth and infrastructure, including:

  • meeting provincial standards and building codes
  • addressing challenges associated with increasing urban density
  • enhancing service efficiency and permit processing times
  • mitigating risks for the city, building industry, and occupants
  • improving safety for residents and surrounding properties

Who does the bylaw update impact?

  • builders, developers, contractors, trades, and suppliers
  • homeowners considering renovations (e.g. interior or exterior renovations or additions; landscaping, pools, and water features; solar panel installations)
  • anyone applying for a building or plumbing permit

Key proposed changes aim to improve:

  • general administration of the bylaw
  • how the bylaw is applied to existing buildings
  • standards for permit requirements and types
  • clarity of owner's and registered professional's responsibilities
  • permit process expediency (e.g. through Certified Professional Program)
  • specific design requirements
  • compliance and enforcement measures

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